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Eyes and Watching TV............



Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Rübenkoppel 1, 23564 Lübeck

To the Medical University Luebeck

Ratzeburger Allee 160

23538 Luebeck


To the University Eye Clinic Heidelberg

Im Neuenheimer Feld 400

69120 Heidelberg

Luebeck, 2004, April 28th

Cataract  CC

Please, let this document be translated in many different languages and be handed over to the right places. The German-language document you may find here!


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Sir or Madam, Dear Mr. Doctors, Dear Mr. Professors,

Yesterday you indicated in TV broadcasting „Visite" of the NDR the processing and knowledge, which you made by the methods of treatment of the eye Cataract and the eye After Cataract.

Nevertheless, something was not recognized apparently in the matter yet, these are the connections of the eyes and psyche which go along with the metabolism of a person.

The eye is the organ, which is able to control a lot of* senses and functions of a person, which are taken up from the outside and therefore the entire hormone household* is influenced by means of control of the seeing.

If one has a look to a person with an artificial ocular lens in the eye, one recognizes a certain catalepsy of the pupil and thereby a frightening cold of the person, who did not exist before.

If this mentioned transplantation concerns both eyes, sensitive people should be able to confirm this fact.

In other words, the psyche of a person is influence able by such an artificial lens.

Enough, however alone this matter does annoy my person nevertheless very much in this ill society, because nobody seems to be able to pay attention to his fellow men!

Further it goes on in the text, then should the mankind be threatened by your and other people limitless naivety and would the mankind get in wrong hands, then a person with an artificial ocular lens is endangered, because these wrong hands will quite require something artificial, seen from a human view, to be able to take over the control of the whole intermezzo of the universe and Creation, which encloses the mankind!

In order to come back again to the reality-related needs, nevertheless, one should wonder at first, why years ago for example quite about 600. 000 Germans from the age of sixty years did not require transplantations.

You have not put this question in the broadcasting and also have not asked for it, where from this high number of artificial ocular lens transplantation is arised.

For many years a whole day programme is offered about the TV, which particularly older and jobless people will use the service and sit therefore daily for hours in front of the "goggle-box".

Most of these spectators know exactly that their eyes become worse of it; in other words, the eyes are impaired* by the television and even can hurt.

But there is the possibility which you offer by an operation!

Nevertheless, basically you and these people to a large part are only stupid journeymen, who want to more and more and also get more and more! 

You and other cannot tell my person that you do not know this cause of opacity of lens by Retina. Also the PC is not adjuvant for the eyesight however many employees are bound for hours by an activity to the PC.

For this reason you will inform as ophthalmologists please, the health insurances and health centres concerning this and let adopt measures,  which may absolutely lead to prevent watching television to some people, while you either allow to remove the TV device, or to cut the connection with the cable and satellite stations.

Also an activity in the PC must be answered by the ophthalmologist, otherwise care must be taken of a suitable place of work of the concerning person by means of health insurance schemes by the labour office.

As a balance for healthy eyes including a reasonable employment,  which is to be understanding not only as a pastime, you will order for older people an allotment, possibly with residential possibility, and in striking distance must be included enough place for a garden of the members of the family, because a restructuring is concerning this up for debate.

The eye needs a free and far look in nature and it needs carotene, however, possibly in natural concentration.

This means, in future carrots will have to be cultivated please without artificial fertilizer and without use of pesticides in the allotments as well as in the gardening by means of natural fertilizer and natural protection before vermin, by doing cattle dung to earth and as for example onions are put between the separated plants.

Through the age of a person various functions of the human organism change, especially also the entire metabolism, so that the eyes particularly must be noted in order to be able to stay healthy.

The eye is quite an important organ of the person and for these mentioned reasons come up with reasonable ideas yourselves and also pay attention in future please, a little better to the circumstances, in which the person from today has to live!

It is a tragedy with you and people like you, because you always forget at first to find the cause for an illness in order to be able to remedy the cause!

On behalf


Not for the fun my person exists under rather difficult circumstances, so that you should finally start addressing the right people concerning this matter to be able to cause a turn as soon as possible.

2010, May Tuesday 11*

Also this writing is anymore quite new however the treatments with laser beams go on, for example.

In addition highly technical attempts have still come by operations to return the eyesight to blind people. These are all very high costs, which will carry now some people with themselves.

It should be long ago enough of the interventions into Creation and it should be estimated instead more for the preservation and protection of the created life in the Third World, so that one day everybody may come to his right!

In this case one must not forget of course, that a return service is required and must result from it, when a high service is transferred.

Document checked, 20th of June 2020