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Das Weltkulturerbe - The World-Cultural-Heritage


General answer of the E-mails to people who want to donate money:  

 Many thanks for your e-mail, at what I had been surprised very much. You can do with your money a lot for the next generations and thereby also for yourself you can do something good.

There are enough important projects in Africa or Asia, there where the children did not have any school education and have not any hospital wards, so that the money is not tossed out of the window and could be invested and used fast separate in stationary projects.

The problem would be for you as an elder person the safe transference or transmission of the money, because in addition you need trusting people and also a trusting acceptance and management of your projects.

You can give off the real responsibility for so much money only to a person very much close (familiar) to you, otherwise you remain in responsibility for the property transferred by which a lot of people a decent living could be allowed.

The bigger these sums of the money are, the better you should pay attention to the conversion of your projects and allow to cover to the last cent, because thus you and every other at the end of the time will have to give account for one`s time on earth.

There is no other way and also differently elsewhere is no way anymore!

My person has earned a lot of money, however, this load of the money I would only like to accept and invest to a part in the matter, if the hunger, the wars and the abortions have been ended. I will make this in such a way because I am a clever person and because I would like to take pleasure in the honestly earned money also really.

I wish you a lot of success in the matter and commission of our all Lord and I do hope, that your e-mail turned to me should be a genuine e-mail.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Ursula Sabisch


Could it be possible that you take your time reading my homepages and be handed over this e-mail to the right persons?

22.12.2016* / Text is corrected in 2018