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Das Weltkulturerbe - The World-Cultural-Heritage


Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the Heads of State

Russia and China/  CO

To Everyone ** Worldwide

Germany, Luebeck, July 11, 2020

Please forward as a CC to all peoples and government formations worldwide!

Please let that German-language document be translated into your native language and be handed over to the corresponding people.

The free English translation.

Are we still in Kindergarten here?

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of all Formations of Government, Dear Readers!

Have you remained small and stupid children or why do you carry out your many years of conflicts on the backs of the Syrians and especially on the backs of the Syrian children?

Why can't the “spectators of this endless tragedy” deal with the truth?

Do I have to publicly put you as the current “heads of state” on the pot?

If you are a Russian or a Chinese, please read yourself healthy very quickly!

See for example here: www.regalis.imperialis.eu

Please have these valuable documents on the various homepages of my person translated truthfully and colloquially into your respective national language by commissioning several interpreters independently of each other!

You too are only very simple, mortal people and not supermen and will be assigned your respective place according to your actions and omissions after your life, as well as everyone else; please make a note of this for a possible future!

My person also wishes to be able to visit your country and your great peoples.

This probably happens in advance via high-tech and afterwards, whether with or without the CORONA pandemic in person, whereby special meeting places in special buildings with some special groups of people and their family members are required in the matter in the commission!

Arrange yourself and your kind in the world community as quickly as possible and please do not confuse your actual status again!

Please also ensure immediately that two vital, required basic conditions are met, which my person has named and justified several times *, which you can also find on Internet * in my various homepages.

Of course, it would be desirable that every wannabe-would-be who is currently ill, all over the world is put onto the pot by the invisible Cudgel of my person or smashed to pieces, should no obedience be given in the matter, what obviously cannot yet be made possible!

With best regards,

Ursula Sabisch

** 07/12/2020 / 12/19/2020 *


HP: In my hometown, enough half animals have been sneaking around me for years and some of them for decades.

Some of them, which were mentioned in one of the pages, should have been put on a plane that flies to Syria, to Russia and to Turkey long ago and had to be forced to testify in the matter!

Unfortunately, almost every so-called citizen here is too sick, or too devious or too cowardly to act and simply rather has leave the children in Syria to their fate!

Please take your seats, where you belong, and do not block the "highly dangerous" issue in the matter!

Document checked on 12/17/2020 /  05/10/2021/  07/21/2022.

Excerpt from the Internet

UN SECURITY COUNCIL Germany and Belgium want to save Syria aid

As of July 11, 2020, 12:27 p.m.

The aid program for Syria expired during the night. Russia and China prevented an extension with their veto in the UN Security Council.

Germany and Belgium are working on a compromise. A Syrian soldier points a truck with relief supplies in the direction of the Duma district in the disputed Eastern Ghouta area. So far, aid has come to Syria through several border crossings.

PICTURE RIGHTS: DPA reading aloud

There is a new initiative in the UN Security Council to enable further cross-border aid deliveries to the Syrian population. After the failure of a corresponding resolution on Saturday night, Germany and Belgium want to save the aid program with a new draft resolution. The German UN ambassador Christoph Heusgen said they were ready to "work around the clock". The German-Belgian paper is expected to be put to the vote this weekend.
