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Das Weltkulturerbe - The World-Cultural-Heritage

The Evil

You and your ilk are all yet to learn to pray OUR FATHER backwards and forwards!

-------- Forwarded message --------

Subject: Grey Star Letter

Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 21:49:49 +0200

From: Ursula Sabisch <nets_empress@gmx.net>

To: info@cbm.de, kundenservice@glockle.de...

Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To CBM Germany e. V. 

Stubenwald-Allee 5 

64625 Bensheim

Luebeck, 19 June 2020

Free English translation on 29  September 2021.

Please save children like Akram from Cataracts! Your letter dated 17 June 2020.

The German-language document you may find here!

Dear Mr Brockhaus, Dear Readers,

Thank you for your letter of request in which you emphasise that children are robbed of their childhood by the clouding of the eye lenses or "Cataracts".

The one should be delivered from the respective suffering through financial help and the other should be delivered from the evil respectively from the devil, what in the end is still in the hands of mankind itself and what in the end makes free!

Unfortunately, almost every operation does not necessarily make one free and is not always harmless, especially when the person is connected or bound to the technique under general anaesthesia and there is subsequently a foreign object in the body as a result of the operation.

It is particularly alarming in your "eye section" due to an artificially inserted lens because this lens cannot "breathe" and the artificial lens therefore does not supply the human being and his/ her impressions and perceptions through the natural oxygen connection or Creation, but there is something artificial in between, which very few people will know or notice.

If the lens of the eye is missing during the operation, then the "earthly visual protection" or the partition between in front of the lens and behind the lens back "to Creation" or to "extraterrestrial vision" is also missing at this moment. **

Since my person herself suffers from Cataract and has had at least one operation or one eye operated on in this respect in order not to miss out on life, I can write these above lines to you to the best of my knowledge and at the same time point out to you, that it might be many times better for some people after life**** to have only one eye fitted with an artificial lens, especially then,** when the person has already reached a certain age.

Farthermore, I would now like to point out to you seriously and sustainably that the available means of, for example, all millionaires and billionaires in the world, as well as the means of the Christian churches, but also those of the respective government of a capitalist state, must first ensure that the weakest of all humanity are provided for sensibly and sustainably and only then may the basic provision of one's own countrymen or population be secured.

The imbalance between poverty and wealth or blacks and whites is already very high, and so the thinking person himself/ herself  should very quickly create a balance, so that the evil can be tackled at its roots by human retaining his/ her original position and his/ her right to live, otherwise the balance will be created by illnesses requiring surgery, by the forces of nature or by epidemics, for example!

Please contact Dr. G. Gloeckle immediately, to one of the many lotteries that came at the same time with the post and your letter of petition, whereby all lotteries work with profit distributions that are sporadically much too high, which must be changed immediately and worldwide, by investing these too high distributions in life and in the future!

Attention: The big picture has long since become a race against time, which is becoming more and more obvious through the Earth itself, and it has long since become a dangerous race against future, artificially living technology!

With kind regards

Ursula Sabisch



HP: Please all think very carefully about what you will do or not do but do not think too long!

For natural reasons, my person has to publish this document in abbreviated form on one of her valuable homepages!

** If my person had not seen the above-mentioned event with "my own eyes" "without a lens" during the operation, I would probably have already given up on the matter!

Addition: An alternative to the eye disease "Cataract" can be a contact lens in old age!

For all others, "miracles", which first have to be made possible, are the order of the day! (See homepages) !! !